God Is Good

God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.  I knew a preacher that said that every time he stood in front of his audience. There is a Christian song our church sings ever so often. Part of the chorus goes, “You are good, good!” (Referring to God)

Saying,  “God is good.” annoys me sometimes because when I go through hard times I ask myself, “Where is God?” and “Why hasn’t He answered my prayers yet?” and it gets hard to believe that He is good.

But today, I pull from two Bible verses I found in my One Year Bible reading. So, now, I am ‘specifically’ convinced that God is  good. And even though it may be hard to do, when I am in the middle of tough times, I’m going to say, God is good. Yes, even when my circumstance is hard, I can humbly muster up the faith to say three powerful words ~ God is good!



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