The Lister

Lists really do make life more organized. I want to be more organized. Someone I admire, Elizabeth Elliot, is a list maker. According to a recent devotion she really gets into this activity. I like how Mrs. Elliot gives us a candid glimpse into her personal life. Making lists helps less than perfect memories too. I would do good putting into practice this simple but fruitful task.
I could make it fun. Here’s an idea, go to the Dollar store and pick up the cutest notepads I can find and then label them to benefit me the most. I would simply say, Things I want to do today . . . and then I would figure out a small reward for myself at the start of this listmaking discipline to prove to myself that I AM an organized, non-procrastinating, task-completing, dependable and reliable person! I would probably choose to keep a stash of Dove chocolate around, only eaten when a list is completed.
(I also enjoy making Microsoft Word documents. I could make my lists about family projects. I like to play with the fonts and choose fonts which help define the info I am typing out. I like adding variety and creativity to my documents to make them look better by playing around with the applications of Microsoft Word.)
Here’s Elizabeth Elliot’s Lists:
1. List of what must be done for the day
2. Engagement (speaking) calendar
3. Engagement book (essentially a planner)
4. Grocery list
5. Last year’s Christmas list– no duplicate gifts! (kept in engagement book)
6. Master list for suitcase packing
7. 2 prayer lists– daily one and a special list to add to each day of the week
Here’s Elliots full devotion:

Taken from Back to the Bible
Thy List Be Done by Elisabeth Elliot
I am a list-maker. Every day I make a list of what I must do. I have an engagement calendar and an engagement book. I have a grocery list on the wall beside the refrigerator, last year’s Christmas list in this year’s engagement book (so I won’t duplicate gifts), a master list for packing my suitcase (so I won’t forget anything), a prayer list (a daily one and a special one for each day of the week), and several others.
Recently a wholly unexpected minor operation badly interrupted my list of things to be done that week. But because God is my sovereign Lord, I was not worried. He manages perfectly, day and night, year in and year out, the movements of the stars, the wheeling of the planets, the staggering coordination of events that goes on on the molecular level in order to hold things together. There is no doubt that he can manage the timing of my days and weeks. So I can pray in confidence, Thy list, not mine, be done.


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