Quiet Time Enjoyment

I’m spoiled when it comes to computer stuff. It wouldn’t look like it to any of our neighbors. Our home is not an eviable place to live but when we start talking about internet access, life is very good. That’s why I spend an hour or more starting my day with some good fulfilling time with God. Here’s what I do.

I wake up to the smell of coffee. We set it up the night before and it will automatically make it at our wake up time. Then I go grab the laptop computer from the living room. My biggest luxury is being able to snuggle up in our warm comforter and quilt on the bed while I spend time focusing on communication with God at the start of the day.
Life would be a little more difficult early in the morning if I had to sit straight up in a cold chair at a desk or even if I did it the “old-timey” way by just opening the Bible (better chance of falling asleep while reading). If I had to sit at a desk I would take my quilt with me. One of the big pleasures of my life is to be warm– through outer coverings and heated beverages!
. . .So I’ve got a hot drink and a couple of thick covers. Life is cozy. I start out praying to God for protection and spiritual growth for family members (especially our four), America and our military. I must admit I still have to fight falling asleep during this part. It usually takes about 30 minutes. Then I go online and begin reading a Bible passage devotion, a Reading-the-Bible- through passage (It is read aloud as I follow the text) and then I usually read three other Bible devotions! After that I usually make a blog entry. Oh yeah, and one more lovely little detail I get to watch the sun rise right outside my window. High technology can be used to glorify God. . . love that reality.
Thirteen years ago I had a baby that survived life-threatening complications. I wanted to give back to God in gratefulness. I would get up early, 6am, when it was time to give him his medicine, and do a quiet time. This was hard. I would drink a double dose of caffeine in hot tea and then I would go in the living get on my knees by the couch and pray through a handwritten prayer list.
God saw my effort back then and knew I truly wanted to establish giving “the firstfruits”–the first part of my day to Him. Now many years later it amazes me how easy I can spend two hours enjoying myself in the company of God! This IS a gift back from Him.
I must say this, life is full of seasons, seasons that are filled with years in which you must learn patience, longsuffering and endurance. Years in which everyone is moving ahead and doing successful things but you’re not and you wonder when the season will change. I’ve struggled in quiet times in all the years but now is the season that God has blessed me with 2 hour time frames of thoroughly enjoying his company. I hope this season in my quiet time lasts for awhile!


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