Daily Dickinson

Mrs. Happy Housewife found a wonderful little website, Daily Dickinson. I just need to check it out everyday! My sister, Deena, and I like Emily Dickinson and her poetry. This gives me a great excuse to encourage my daughter to read Miss Dickinson’s simple and wholesome poems, daily, if she wants.
When I was in high school.

I had a teacher who made us memorize 100 lines of poetry. One of the poems was by Emily Dickinson. It was I Never Saw a Moor. I’ve remembered this poem throughout the years (20+!) and it also encouraged my sister to learn the poetry.
I never saw a moor.
I never saw the sea.
Yet know I how a heather looks.
And what a wave must be.
I never spoke with God.
Nor visited in Heaven.
Yet certain am I of the spot.
As if the chart were given.
(Hey, I just wrote that from memory while my husband was talking to me!)


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