Understanding the Abstract

Last week I gave my children a vocabulary word,
I was trying to describe its meaning outside what the dictionary said. I contrasted it with the word concrete and then told of the difference between a concrete and an abstract noun. I gave them the example that freedom is an abstract noun.
I found a quote that gives several examples of the abstract and it also sends a good message. It is by a former president, Calvin Coolidge. I found it on Mrs. Happy Housewife:
We do not need more material development,
we need more spiritual development.
We do not need more intellectual power,
we need more moral power.
We do not need more knowledge,
we need more character.
We do not need more government,
we need more culture.
We do not need more law,
we need more religion.
We do not need more of the things that are seen,
we need more of the things that are unseen.”
-Calvin Coolidge


Double Negatives In Grammar

Have you ever heard of a double negative in grammar? My mother used to get on to me if I spoke a double negative in a sentence. (I think one of my mother’s secret passions has to do with a love for the English Language and I inherited a love for words from her. My grandmother loved words too!)
Here’s a site that discusses it called LEO: Literacy Education Online
Here’s an example of wrong usage. See if you can fix it:
The pilot could not find nowhere to land.


Homemade Baking Powder

2 tablespoons cream of tartar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1 tablespoon baking soda
Combine and store in an airtight container. Use in place of store bought baking powder.
Makes 1/4 cup
Holiday cooking season will be arriving soon. I used to go and buy among several other cooking items, baking powder. And then I would not use but one or two tablespoons of it. And then whenThanksgiving would come around again, I would check the sparsely used product hoping it was not outdated.
This year I’ve decided to cook more from scratch. I want to make some homemade cornbread and biscuits. It requires baking powder. I found this simple recipe on the internet. It is healthy (contain no aluminum powder) and will only make a small amount.
