They Still Have Each Other

You can be thankful for everything, when you don’t have anything.
Those words were spoken in Sunday School last Sunday morning by a father of eight. In September, their family was in their pasture having a picnic when suddenly a shocking event occurred. Their house blew up and then burned to the ground.

They are a dedicated Christian family. Our church went into action to help them. A booth has been set up to accept donations and much has already been given. The family had insurance so they will rebuild. Right now they are staying with another family that also attends our church and have been close friends for awhile. They plan to move to a mobile home in the near future and rebuild.
What sadness must be felt time and again over all that is gone, from practical necessities like personal grooming items, important legal documents and cooking utensils to family treasures like wedding and baby pictures of years long gone. Those are sorely missed but almost instantaneously after those thoughts they must stop and think, “We still miraculously have each other. Thank God no one was in the house when it blew up.”


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