Vintage Aprons

Vintage, feminine, conservative, motherly and an old-fashioned symbol of the homemaker. I love all that they represent. When I was a little girl my mom had a pillow case full of aprons and crotched doilies.

I would use the doilies for Barbie doll clothes and accessories and I loved to wrap the prettiest aprons around my waist, (usually getting a little disappointed because they were always too big).
I would be happy when I could finally find one that I could “overlap wrap” and then I would be dressed and ready-to-go to be the mommy of the house. Doing my endless chore of dishes became a happier event because of these small ruffled articles of clothing. Today’s flat bland-colored cooking aprons are no match for these old timey pieces of art! Here, have some fun and see for yourself at the Apron Threads website.
EllenAnne Geisel loves aprons! She has written the two books, Apron Chronicles and The Apron Book.


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