Granny’s Apron

I wonder if Mrs. Happy Housewife wears a pretty apron when she cooks and cleans for her family? She probably does and it probably has been crispily starched (:
The vintage apron thing has been filling my mind tonight. I decided to check out the apron lady’s website. And I found a sweet little hidden treasure within its pages! But first let me lead you to her gallery of the prettiest little vintage aprons around!
And now the crowning event of my blogging evening. I love this part . . .

I found a poem called Granny’s apron. If you’re like me every line will pull you into a world of old-fashioned images. For a little while, you can step away from all this stressful high-tech stuff and just imagine being a part of yesteryear.
Granny’s Apron
Jane-Ann Heitmueller
Vinemont, Alabama
Why, Granny? By Jane-Ann Heitmueller
“Why do you wear aprons, Granny?” I asked her one day,
as I nestled on her lap, while resting from my play.
“Mercy child,” she replied, “it’s just a part of life. It’s as
valuable to me as Grandpa’s pocketknife.
When I wrap it on each day it makes me feel complete. I’m
prepared to face the day… whatever I shall meet.
Sometimes it’s a wiping rag to dry my dripping hands.
Sometimes it’s a holding cloth to grasp the boiling pans.
Now and then it dries a tear or wipes a runny nose. It’s a
part of all I do, wherever Granny goes.
Carrying potatoes or the hens’ eggs from their nest.
Snuggling baby kittens close and warm against my breast.
Wiping up the drips and drops that splatter on the floor. Oft’
times used to dust the table and there’s so much more.
On a rainy day it’s used to shield my head from rain or to
take the horses lots of tasty, yellow grain.
Sometimes it’s a help to open stubborn lids I grip. It can
hide a dirty spot or shield a jagged rip.
It’s been known to shine a shoe or dry a puppy’s fur or to
clear a mirror when the steam has caused a blur.
Best of all though, precious child sitting on my knee, it’s
a place to nestle you and have you here with me!”
I just gotta! . . . my daughter and I are gonna have to make us some aprons!!!!!!!


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