New Life Live!

My sons are beginning their teenage years. Teenagers are kids in a grown up body. They look grown up and their bodies have the functions of an adult but they have the maturity of a kid. They are constantly encouraged by our society to do immoral things that have the appearance of the good life but are very deceptive and wrong. Throughout my children’s lives I have been praying for them in their teenage years.
I have discovered a way to expose my kids to stupid decisions that people have made without exposing my children to any possible admiration for the individual who did wrong. There is a live program that comes on the radio at 5pm everyday (KCFO is the local station). It is called New Life Live!

Christian psychologist, Steve Auterburn and Dr. John Townsend receive calls live from people who have made wrong decisions or are in difficult situations but want to do right by God. The psychologists also have written several books and hold seminars to help people overcome wrong lifestyles. Lately I will have had one or two of my children in the car and we will be coming home and we will listen to the program. I just have to make comments here and there about the discussions on the radio to keep my kids in tune.
This program helps them see the results of bad decisions and then gives them biblical answers. I love this part . . . My children are getting exposed to wisdom beyond their years!! They are getting answers to problems that they haven’t had to personally see play out in real life.


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