Marriage Communication

Where does time go on a Sunday morning? I got up at 5:30 and didn’t even finish reading the Bible passages for the day. My husband got up at 5:00! Sunday mornings before our children get up are a time in which we talk about thoughts of interest that just pop in our head.

Danny always has great insight and a different perspective more so than any other person I’ve known. (That’s a big reason why I married him nearly 16 years ago!) I asked him things about the Bible. I may ask him about a passage or a verse or an individual or situation found in a Bible story. We also talk about our children and the best way to raise them. Any time I feel like disagreeing with him I’ll straight out tell him exactly what I’m thinking. Sometimes I’ll be calm about it and other times I’ll vehemently disagree and refuse to accept his idea.
Now we’re running behind as usual. But that’s okay. I need these long deep conversations. It’s the privilege of being married so long. And it’s also a gift from God. Communication in a marriage is critical. And a huge secret that helps our marriage work is my husband’s ability to talk things through with me. I love to bounce ideas off of him. And he enjoys doing the same with me.


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