Easter Day celebrates the rest of the Christmas story.
Jesus was born like all humans and then He lived his life without doing wrong. And then He died representing our sin to the sinless God who had to forsake such a sight. And then He arose from the dead never to die but instead to ascend to heaven. And He won over the stronghold Satan had over humanity so that anyone who would choose God could spend eternity in an excellent place called Heaven.

Our family attended church to hear details of this pivotal event in history. Our pastor, Dr. John Barnett, told of the seven things Jesus spoke during his death as He was hung from a tortorous cross. The 7 sayings are found throughout the four Gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. Here they are with some description:
1. “Father, forgive for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. It has been said that it is possible that Jesus may have repeated this phrase, though gasping for breath, over and over again. Jesus offered forgiveness to the Jews and Romans who placed Him on the cross and still today Jesus offers forgiveness to us for the wrong we do.
2. “Verily I say unto thee, To day thou shalt be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:43. Jesus spoke these words to a criminal who was hanging on a cross next to Him. It took much faith for the criminal to speak out that He knew Jesus was innocent of any crime. Jesus promised him eternal life and still today He offers us eternal life.
3. “Woman, behold thy son.” John 19:26. Jesus told His disciple John to take care of His mother, Mary. And as Christian history has been told he did so for the rest of life. Jesus offered compassion and selfless love for His mother. Still today, His compassion is available to anyone who is looking for it.
4. “Eloi, Eloi, lamasabachthani.” Mark 15:33-34. Translation– My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? When Jesus was on the cross, the sin of all human history, past to future was placed on Him. His Father, God, had to forsake and reject Jesus as His perfect sinlessness represented all unholy sin. Jesus took the place of repulsive sinners before God. Still today, Jesus takes the place of sinners so that it is possible for us to pray and be in the presence of God.
5. “I thirst.” John 19:23. Jesus was human. He began His ministry by fasting for 40 days and He ended His ministry as His body thirsted for a drink of water. Jesus’ body was weak and He felt pain. And still today, Jesus can relate to our human weaknesses.
6. “It is finished.” John 19:30. Jesus paid the sin bill that would have needed to be payed for an eternity. And still today, Jesus’ death on the cross will pay for any sin anyone commits.
7. “Father into thy hands I commend my Spirit.” Luke 23:46. Jesus showed us how to die peacefully. And still today, if you’re a real Christian you can follow His example and when you die, die in peace knowing that after death Heaven is awaiting you.


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