Read The Bible With me . . .Please :)

The year has just begun. I want to read the Bible every day so I can spend some personal time with God. And I would love and be honored if you would want to do this with me. I do it in the easiest way possible 🙂

Hey, if you like history then reading the Bible should have even more interest to you. It’s a giant history book but it is also more than that. The Bible is inspired. I don’t mean inspired like Francis Scott Key was when he was a prisoner in a ship during a battle and wrote out words as bombs blew up against a dark sky.
I mean inspired by the Holy Spirit, one who is in very close relation to God. Although the Bible was written by many different people through hundreds of years, if you call yourself a Christian, you should trust and know that God directed their thoughts and their hands to record the words He wanted in the Bible.
Here’s how I do it. I wake up at 4am on a work day. I eat breakfast and then I have some time for studying the Bible on the laptop computer. I go to the Heartlight site. The page I open to has about a 15 minute segment to read (about 3 chapters from the OT, Psalms and the NT). There is also audio button to click on. So even though I may be half asleep, I can focus easier following along with the text as I hear it.
But there’s one critical thing that must be done before you start reading. It’ll take about 10 seconds. Say a sincere one sentence prayer. Since the Bible is Holy Spirit inspired say a prayer like this,
“Dear God, please tell me things you would want me to know from what I read. In Jesus name, Amen.”
The Bible is full of lots of different things. The best thing I like is the stories of individuals. They did right and wrong. I like to see how my life compares to those who followed after God. When I go through a hard time in my life I can look to examples from the Bible and see how I am like them.
Reading the Bible at the very start of the day, strengthens me to do the right thing. I have “God on the brain” moreso than if I didn’t read it.
I’m not trying to be bossy. I just hope you have an opportunity to check in to the Bible because it has some sage advice. And it would be great to know that your learning some interesting things from it like I am.


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