Car Thankfulness

I’m thankful. My Grand Am car broke down with damages beyond its worth. I needed a new one. So instead of stressing I prayed with my family and spoke God’s Word. My favorite go-to verse in time of need is~ My God shall supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory. (Philippians 4:19). I also prayed the Jabez prayer found in the Old Testament. I wrote a blog post about it a few days back.

God has been gracious, within three days, I have a better car now with a reasonable payment and insurance.   I trusted and rested in God with friends and family and am thankful for the quick response. I plan to use it to honor God.


Not Ashamed of My Powerful God

New Testament Bible reference~Romans 1:16-17

God is very powerful. His power is talked about many times in the Bible. One way God has revealed His power is through the life, death and rising from death of Jesus, His son. Jesus’ death gives us the opportunity to choose to go to Heaven when we die.
