Grace By Enstrom

Today my husband and I went to a storage facility sale. We got a few odds and ends. I found a small picture in a wooden frame. I always liked the picture because it had a humble presence about it. My father-in-law has a larger copy of it. It is of an elderly man bowing his head before a simple meal of gruel and bread.
The amazing technology of the world wide web gave me answers to questions I’ve had about this pictures for years! 🙂 I found the website behind this photograph taken in 1918. The site is named “GRACE” by ENSTROM. There I found interesting details to the makings of this picture.
Love the quote by Eric Enstrom . . . “This man doesn’t have much of earthly goods, but he has more than most people because he has a thankful heart.”
I’m gonna hang our picture by the dining room table.


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