James Thurber on Who And Whom

I love it when literature is combined with grammar. I found a great quote by the famous author, James Thurber, discussing the inappropriate use of who and whom.
The number of people who use “whom” and “who” wrongly is appalling. The problem is a difficult one and it is complicated by the importance of tone, or taste. Take the common expression, “Whom are you, anyways?” That is of course, strictly speaking, correct — and yet how formal, how stilted! The usage to be preferred in ordinary speech and writing is “Who are you, anyways?” “Whom” should be used in the nominative case only when a note of dignity or austerity is desired. For example, if a writer is dealing with a meeting of, say, the British Cabinet, it would be better to have the Premier greet a new arrival, such as an under-secretary, with a “Whom are you, anyways?” rather than a “Who are you, anyways?” — always granted that the Premier is sincerely unaware of the man’s identity. To address a person one knows by a “Whom are you?” is a mark either of incredible lapse of memory or inexcusable arrogance. “How are you?” is a much kindlier salutation.
~James Thurber
Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Guide to Modern English Usage
~Guide to Grammar and Writing website


Grammar Lesson 22~Pronouns And Antecedents

The word for which the pronoun stands is called its antecedent. It may be in the same sentence, in a previous sentence, or not given at all. An example would be The boy threw the football. He threw it over the fence. Boy is the antecedent for he, and football is the antecedent for it. A pronoun can be an antecedent for another pronoun. He likes his new car. He is the antecedent for his. The antecedent always comes before the pronoun for which it is the antecedent.
Pick out the pronouns and their antecedents in these sentences.
1. He ran after his dad.
2. Jennie wanted her doll for bedtime.
3. The rabbit hopped into its hole.
4. They will help you with your work themselves.
5. The teacher gave us homework everyday, and she made our lives miserable.

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Aurora Australis
Don’t forget the lovely and awesome display in the southern hemisphere, otherwise known as the Aurora Australis.

Aurora Australis From Outer Space

Another time lapse
