Our Daily Bread

Here’s an excellent website, Our Daily Bread, for a quiet time with God each day.
At the bottom of the page you can click to listen to a man read a Bible passage. I love his impassioned voice! 🙂 Everyday that I listen to him I want to do what he is doing! Here are some key verses I found from the passages today.

When I see the sunrise in the mornings I know for sure He made this day and have to depend on his strength (Although God could allow any kind of circumstance or hardship to to come into my life I still am desperate for his help and presence in my life.)
Jeremiah 10
12 But God made the earth by his power;
he founded the world by his wisdom
and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
13 When he thunders, the waters in the heavens roar;
he makes clouds rise from the ends of the earth.
He sends lightning with the rain
and brings out the wind from his storehouses.
I need to memorize these verses from Jeremiah 9! (They bring comfort to my situation) from Jeremiah:
23 This is what the LORD says:
“Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom
or the strong man boast of his strength
or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this:
that he understands and knows me,
that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness,
justice and righteousness on earth,
for in these I delight,”
declares the LORD.
These verses give me hope for my life and I pray they would come true in the lives of my family.
1 Timothy
6But godliness with contentment is great gain.
7For we brought nothing into the world,
and we can take nothing out of it.
8But if we have food and clothing,
we will be content with that.
9People who want to get rich fall into temptation
and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.
Some people, eager for money,
have wandered from the faith
and pierced themselves with many griefs.
(Paul’s Charge to Timothy)
11But you, man of God, flee from all this,
and pursue righteousness,
and gentleness.
12Fight the good fight of the faith.
Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called
when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
. . .
17Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant
nor to put their hope in wealth,
which is so uncertain,
but to put their hope in God,
who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
18Command them to do good,
to be rich in good deeds,
and to be generous and willing to share.
19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.


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