Like Walkin’ In the Rain . . .

We came home from church in the pouring rain. It was fun walking out to the car. My three sons and I went. We had one umbrella that was starting to get old. Benjamin and I shared, except all truth be told, I did hog it and insisted on holding it. We still all got wet.
Our umbrella is getting old. You know how umbrellas start to get old don’t you?

They’re don’t stretch tight when you open them. It’s kinda embarrassing cause the wind can blow a gust at them and they are so cheap they bend outward instead of staying tucked under like a good umbrella oughta do.
I love the rain. I want to go walking with Danny in it. It’s a summer rain. That means you won’t freeze when you get wet. I’d still bring our rickety umbrella though. Here’s a song with a chorus that popped into my head as I pondered taking a stroll in the rain with my husband.
It’s by 10CC,’70ish and upbeat:


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