Quiet, Self-sacrificing Heroism

Teddy Roosevelt was one of the United States’ greatest presidents. Personally, I haven’t thoroughly studied him. But my attention was admirably focused on him when I read a great quote by him on the Mrs. Happy Housewife blog. It’s a quote that gives busy moms the honor they deserve. Here it is:
“No ordinary work done by a man is either as hard or as responsible as the work of a woman. . .

. . . who is bringing up a family of small children; for upon her time and strength demands are made not only every hour of the day but often every hour of the night. She may have to get up night after night to take care of a sick child, and yet must by day continue to do all her household duties as well; and if the family means are scant she must usually enjoy even her rare holidays taking her whole brood of children with her. The birth pangs make all men the debtors of all women. Above all our sympathy and regard are due to the struggling wives among those whom Abraham Lincoln called the plain people, and whom he so loved and trusted; for the lives of these women are often led on the lonely heights of quiet, self-sacrificing heroism.”
Hey, I like this man. We need to know some more about him. Here are some details of his life I found on the Wikipedia website:
Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was our 26th U.S. president from 1901 to 1909. He took office after President William McKinley was assassinated. Among his accomplishments are Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Navy. He also organized and helped command the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment, the “Rough Riders”, during the Spanish-American War. As a war hero, he then become governor of New York in 1898. He was a professional historian, naturalist and explorer of the Amazon Basin. He wrote 35 books over his life span, including works on outdoor life, natural history, U.S. Western and political history, Naval Battles of the War of 1812 , and his autobiography. Roosevelt was also the first American to be awarded the Nobel Prize, winning its Peace Prize in 1906, for negotiating peace between Russia and Japan. His image stands alongside Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln on the Mount Rushmore monument. Surveys of scholars have consistently ranked him from #3 to #7 on the list of greatest American presidents.


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