Set Aside Holy Time

Modern technology with all it’s amazing abilities needs to be set aside in my life.
A couple of years ago, I decided that having my early morning Bible study on the internet was an exciting update and good fit for me. I have everything easily accessible~ a popular five minute devotion, the entire Bible with audio and text, and a good Bible quote with a quick “This day in Christian history”.
For my personal prayer list I have access to an automated email reminder along with another weekly prayer list from Voice of the Martyrs.
All of this is very handy but recently, I have been getting distracted with other emails and Facebook and even distractions from my husband wanting to chat and discuss news he’s reading online early in the morning.
My personal growth in Bible learning is “Blah” right now. I don’t have excitement in learning the Bible. An excitement for studying the Bible is very important. Even our family has lost interest.
It’s time for a change. Time to regress in technology. . .Time to read from handheld books! In the morning I plan to put my Bible back beside my bed along with my little devotion book. I need to redo my prayer list and make it handwritten! I also have a couple of prayer books that I prayed from a few years back and can start using them again for my husband and children. I still need to find a good Bible study book to help me dig into the Word of God. I also need to memorize Bible verses. I want to talk to my husband and let him pick out a good Bible verse that we could memorize together each week or so.
Some of these changes will take prayer. I need to ask my Heavenly Father to help me find a Bible study that will fit my life right now, to give my husband and me an excitement to learn Bible verses, that our family would work together and get excited about the Bible. And then, most importantly, I need help to be steadfast and disciplined to set aside time, not just an appointment, but a quiet time and place early in the morning to give focus to God, in all His majesty. In fact, I need to train myself to not let my mind wander or not fall asleep but to give intense focus on talking to and hearing from God.
