Personal Pronouns Practice

3 Types of personal pronouns:
(1) the speaker or speakers (first person)
(2) those spoken to (second person)
(3) those spoken about (third person)
Personal pronouns can be singular (one) or plural (two or more) just as verbs and nouns.
Identify the type of pronoun.
1. ourselves________________________
2. yours_______________________
3. he__________________________
4. I___________________________
5. you_________________________
6. him_________________________
7. yourself______________________
8. my__________________________
9. herself_______________________
10. his_________________________
11. themselves__________________
12. your________________________
13. himself_____________________
14. yourselves___________________
15. her_________________________
16. it___________________________
17. hers________________________
18. she_________________________
19. its__________________________
20. mine________________________
21. itself________________________
22. myself______________________
23. we_________________________
24. they________________________
25. me_________________________
26. our_________________________
27. their________________________
28. them_______________________
29. ours________________________
30. theirs_______________________
31. us_________________________


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Grammar Lesson 21~Pronouns

A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun or a group of words used as a noun. Pronouns are classified in five (5) different categories.
They are personal pronouns,
relative pronouns,
demonstrative pronouns,
indefinite pronouns,
and interrogative pronouns.
Some pronouns can appear in more than one classification. How the pronoun is used in the sentence determines its classification. In the next two weeks we will study the five kinds of pronouns.
Personal pronouns refer to
(1) the speaker or speakers, which is called first person, and include the following pronouns: I, my, mine, me, myself, we, our, ours, us, ourselves;
(2) those spoken to, which is called second person, and include the following pronouns: you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves; or (3) those spoken about, which is called third person, and includes the following pronouns: he, his, him, himself, she, her, hers, herself, it, its, itself, they, their, theirs, them, themselves.
Personal pronouns can be singular (one) or plural (two or more) just as verbs and nouns.
Find the personal pronouns in these sentences.
1. She hit him on his head.
2. I saw you at your store.
3. He himself will be our new friend.
4. It will be hard for me to see you.
5. They always get angry at her and me.

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Mike Christian And the American Flag

How respectful are you, when as an American, have the opportunity to pledge allegiance to our flag? Here is a compelling POW story by John McCain:
From a speech given at the 1988 Republican National Convention by Capt. John S. McCain, USN, (Ret) who represents Arizona in the U.S. Senate:
As you may know, I spent five and one half years as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. In the early years of our imprisonment, the NVA kept us in solitary confinement or two or three to a cell.

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Pastor Joe Wright’s Prayer @ the Kansas Senate

I found this prayer on Snope’s. This is not an urban legend. It actually happened. This pastor stood before his state senate and from his heart spoke the truth, that some did not want to hear.
The Prayer of Repentance
This is the text of the original prayer delivered January 23, 1996 by Pastor Joe Wright to the Kansas House of Representatives in Topeka.
Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and seek your direction and guidance.
We know your Word says, “Woe to those who call evil good,” but that’s exactly what we’ve done.

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The Art of Self-Discipline~Sermon 1

Here are some notes I took as I listened to the first installment of John MacArthur’s sermon series, The Art of Self-discipline.
How To Be a Self-Disciplined Person
1. Begin with small things. Learn to discipline yourself in the little things in life. Little things of life make for the big things. Your integrity and word can be strengthened beginning with the small details of life.
2. Clean your environment. Get rid of all that stuff. Clean your house, room or garage. Be discontent with a mess. Desire ordliness. Simplify your life. Get rid of excess. Keep environment clean and clear to avoid extra distractions.
3. Make a schedule. Learn to conform to it. Anticipate and establish time frames.
4. Wean yourself away from being entertained. Let entertainment be arbitrary, you can take it or leave it. Be more productive with your time. Watch less TV, instead, read or take a walk.
5. Be on time. Order your little universe and preplan. Very important. Even in small or insignificant things.
6. Keep your word, even in the littlest things. Your word is so important. Make commitments and see them through. It might be in the smallest things. Don’t make promises you do not keep.
7. Always do the hardest tasks first. Most people do the easiest things first. Whatever is most difficult, do first. Most people save the toughest for last. And then, they may be too tired
8. Finish what you start. If you start it finish it.
9. Practicle self-denial. Just say to you self, “Self you can say, ‘No!'” Do not be completely at the whim of your impulse.
10. Volunteer for tasks. Leave some space in your life and in your agenda and take on opportuntity to help out. Subject yourself that really isn’t a part of your own agenda.

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