The Sun Rise of 10.26.07

Yes, it’s true God did stretch out the Heavens by His understanding:
Jeremiah 10
12 But God made the earth by his power;
he founded the world by his wisdom
and stretched out the heavens by his understanding.
I saw it happen this morning right outside my window. He made a new day for us. My first glance to the eastern sky gave me a hint that the sun was on its way. The sky was no longer a solid black but a deep dark blue.

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Homemade Crossword Puzzles

I have a list of vocabulary words taken from a site that lists the most common ACT/SAT words you should know. We’ve been learning them as a family. I just found a site that makes puzzles with words you can put in. It’s at Discovery School. Here are the puzzles you can choose from. The crossword only can use a maximum of eight words.
Here is the list of vocabulary words I used:


The Sunrise of 10.25.07

The sky is cloudless as the sun rises. There is a gentle wind that moves the trees just a little. I wanted to describe the details of the rising sun before it revealed it’s blazing face but I just couldn’t start in time because my computer was still opening up my blog page. I watched as it peaked over the horizon. Quickly it seems as if in a minute it’s brightness blatantly began shining through my window and caused me to squint as I wrote down a description.
That’s okay, Jesus promises that someday He will come forth from the eastern sky and He will too come in a blazing glory that no one will be able to ignore. The opening of each new day reminds me of this and I look forward to His coming . . . that will be the dawning of eternity’s day for all the human race!


Lesson 3~ Parts of Speech Verbs

Pick out the verbs in these sentences and tell whether they are action verbs or linking verbs.
Suddenly someone sneezed loudly.
There are holes in my shirt.
He appears happy.
The image appeared in the mirror.
The verbs are sneezed, are, appears, and appeared.
Sneezed and appeared are action verbs.
Are and appears are linking or state of being verbs.
Some verbs like appear can be either action or linking verbs.
It depends on whether it shows action or not.
Appears above is like saying seems which shows no action while appeared above shows the action of the image.
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