
Lately, I’ve established a new addiction in my life. It has to do with walking. One or two miles from our home there is a long walking path. I love to go there. My husband and I go together. And sometimes we go as a family.


Boy Scout Letter Home

I heard this in from a sermon by Chuck Swindoll:
Boy Scout Letter Home
Dear Mom,
Our scout master told us all write to our parents in case you saw the flood on TV and worried. We are OK. Only 1 of our tents and 2 sleeping bags got washed away. Luckily, none of us got drowned because we were all up on the mountain looking for Chad when it happened.

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Getting Revenge Is Wrong

It’s easy to want to do. If someone makes you mad, to calm yourself down from them taking advantage of you, you figure out a way to get even.
Everybody has a tendency to do it to one extent or another. Even family members do this with one another. One brother breaks another brother’s toy so the one with the broken toy gets even by destroying a favorite toy of the one who caused the offense.

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Honeysuckle Salad

1 ripe cantalope
2 ripe avacados (make sure not crunchy)
1 cup of red grapes cut in half
1/2 cup of pecans
Cut the cantalope and avacado in small bite size pieces. Combine in mixing bowl. Add grapes and pecans. Gently mix. Makes about 6 8 ounce servings.
