Hoyt Team Revisited

In my last blog entry I embedded the CAN video. A short time later You Tube announced it was longer to be shown. This frustrated me. I liked to watch it because it was so inspirational. Then I found a website that told interesting details of the Hoyt team. The site reprinted an article from Sports Illustrated that gave more details about this amazing duo. As you read it you’ll find that at first, the Dad was found lacking in his abilities.

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The Hoyt Team

If you need some inspiration you should watch this video. It’s about a father and son team who spend alot of time together fulfilling their dreams. They are called the Hoyt team.
UPDATE: Since the YouTube version keeps moving, we’ve downloaded the files to our server. You can watch the video streamed from here. The size isn’t adjustabble, but the location shouldn’t change.
Click to watch the “Team Hoyt: CAN” Video
Here’s another video about the Hoyt Team that gives some important details of their story.

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Quotes For A Great Life

Less worry, less bitterness, be content and having a positive attitude towards the future fueled by a passion to learn– When I discovered the blog site, Higher Up and Further In (Please check it out) In it I found some good quotes to help in these critical areas of our lives. They remind me of my life. They are quotes to help overcome discouragement. My children and I have learned “Attitude” by Chuck Swindol which also helps in the same manner as these quotes.

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Another You Tube

Check this video by Judson Laipply. It’s called the Evolution of Dance. He’s an inspirational comedian. He has a website. I went there and found the list of the song segments he used in his act. Disclaimer: Some of the dance moves are inappropriate. Sorry. I don’t know how to edit them out.

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1st Corinthians 13

A few weeks ago when I went to my sister’s wedding, they read 1st Corinthians 13 from the Bible. I’m pretty sure the same was read at my wedding. In fact, I put the last verse of that chapter on the reception napkins along with our names and wedding date. But I was surprised as the preacher began to read it.

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Guitarist FunTwo

What do a German composer from the 1700’s named Johann Pachelbel and a modern day music arranger named Jerry C. have in common? Well, they can relate to a 19 year old guitarist named Funtwo when it comes to music. Have you ever check out the website, YouTube? You should, it’s a place where they show tons of videos sent in from people all over the world.

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