No MRI Results

Just in case some of you are wondering, I haven’t heard the results of my MRI test yet. The nurse, Ruby, knew I was eager to know something so she said she would take my name and number home with her over the holidays. The doctor is gone all this week.

She said she would either call or go to the radiologist place after Christmas to get the results. Then she will call me either today or tomorrow.
Thank you for any prayers and thoughts you may have for us. I haven’t been stressed over the situation. I don’t think it’s any thing life threatening. Since I’ve been having the hearing problem for twelve years. It started when I was pregnant with my second baby. I hope you’re not worried (especially Mom and all my family members.)
I’ll post something when I find out. If I don’t hear from the nurse I’ll leave a message at the doctor’s office on Thursday. But I trust Ruby will let me know something.
The reason why I haven’t told everybody is because I don’t know anything specific.


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