Personal Pronouns~Review

Relative pronouns join dependent clauses to independent clauses. They are who, whose, whom, which, and that. For example, He found his money that he had lost. That joins the two clauses together into one sentence. Clauses will be taught in detail later.
Find the relative pronouns in the sentences, and see how many other pronouns you can find as a bonus.
1. I want the house, which is brick.
2. Jack ordered the meal that we picked up.
3. Freddie is the girl who won the contest.
4. Jon is a man on whom I can rely.
5. The student whose answer was wrong turned bright red.
Part 2
Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns that point out. They are this, that, these, and those. That is my hat. I like these not those.
Find the demonstrative pronouns in these sentences.
1. That is a great idea.
2. I will take those.
3. How much money do you want for this?
4. These are the shoes I want.

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Twin Babies Save Moms Life!

Here’s a great story that was posted on on Monday, February 04, 2008. Here’s the beginning of the story:
Many mothers cherish the first kicks they feel from their unborn babies.
But unknown to one U.K. mother, the kicking she felt from the twins growing inside her actually saved her life, according to a report from the Daily Mail.

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The Mid-Atlantic They’re Capital, Meaning Of They’re Name And Info By Ginny

Pennsylvania’s Capital is Philadelphia
The name Pennsylvania was specified in the charter given to William Penn by England’s Charles II in 1680. The Latin Sylvania meaning “woodlands” was added to Penn to create “Penn’s woods.”
Maryland’s is Annapolis
The charter that Lord Baltimore received from King Charles I of England specified a name for the new colony. It was to be called Maryland to honor King Charle’s wife Queen Henrietta Maria (Queen Mary).

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Vocabulary Fun

Fill in the blank with the correct word.
1. _____________(adjective) marked by sudden impulse or passion
2. _____________(adjective) common or ordinary
3. _____________(verb tense) to hasten; to speed progress of
4. _____________(verb tense) to strive to equal or surpass
5. _____________(adjective) marked by sudden impulse or passion
6. _____________(adjective) sorrowful or atoning for guilt

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Personal Brain Power

Ways To Strengthen Brain Power
1. Get 8 hours asleep every night.~ I always get all my sleep. This one is not hard.
2. Exercise 15 minutes first thing in the morning.~ I use a treadmill and it wakes my brain up. I also pray for the day while I’m doing it. Another good thing to do is to memorize a Bible verse or good quote.

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