Tons Of Knowledge To Know!

Just about everybody could learn to draw better. Mrs. Happy Housewife found a site called that is full of information and is set up in a simple format to get you started.
You know what? I’m seriously coming to this conclusion: There is so much real knowledge that needs to be learned that there’s just not time to be a vegging zombie couch potato and waste hours watching TV programs that someone thought up and filled with their false bias opinion!
Here’s another good site for learning about music theory Mrs. H.H. found (:
I need to tell you one more thing.

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Like Walkin’ In the Rain . . .

We came home from church in the pouring rain. It was fun walking out to the car. My three sons and I went. We had one umbrella that was starting to get old. Benjamin and I shared, except all truth be told, I did hog it and insisted on holding it. We still all got wet.
Our umbrella is getting old. You know how umbrellas start to get old don’t you?

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People Need the Lord

People need the Lord is an old song from 20-something years ago that popped into my head this morning. People everywhere need God whether you’re Asian, European, Hispanic, African or Caucasion. As an American I know the people in my country desperately need to think on the things of God and trust Him more. Americans have become too materialistic and prideful. God forgive us!

Here more from Steve Green:

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