Mercy Rules!

I win. I win every single day. My mistakes of yesterday are not held against me by Almighty God. He has forgiven me of them as far as the East is from the West!

I am not the summation of the words I have (mis)spoken in my past. And when I have said the wrong words I do not ‘have what I say.’And when my actions of yesterday were wrong I cling to God’s promises that it will all work together for good for my family and me. God’s compassion for me is new everyday, Great is His faithfulness to me and His mercy is new every morning.

The Holy Spirit rules my life everyday! The evidence of His presence within me shines through the peace in my life which is beyond human understanding. God’s loves shines through me to help others in Jesus’ name. And joy from God grows when I praise His name.  Holy Spirit fill me up to overflowing! Holy Spirit rain down on me continuously throughout my day! Because in You is found the same power that raised Christ from the dead. You live in me! Shine through me.


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