Personal Brain Power

Ways To Strengthen Brain Power
1. Get 8 hours asleep every night.~ I always get all my sleep. This one is not hard.
2. Exercise 15 minutes first thing in the morning.~ I use a treadmill and it wakes my brain up. I also pray for the day while I’m doing it. Another good thing to do is to memorize a Bible verse or good quote.

3. Ever so often do an eye exercise which takes about 30 seconds.~ I simply look to the extreme left and then to the extreme right. I do this about 30 times. And then I quickly notice how my thinking perks up.
4. Take a multi-vitamin regularly.~ Right now I’m also taking extra Calcium too. It is obvious that I need it. Helping my overall health will also help my brain!
5. Take Omega-3 also.
6. Eat meats with omega-3 in them ever so often, foods like salmon and tuna.~ I don’t want to eat these type fish too often because there have been reports that they may contain high levels of mercury.
7. Cut back on Caffeine.~ I plan to limit my coffee to 5 ounces in the morning.
8. Have baby spinach as a finger-food snack.~ I like to snack on this when I watch the evening news and the gameshow, “Who wants to be a Millionaire?”
9. Have a meal of Calves liver once every month or two.~ I have heard that calves are not given as many antibiotics and steroids as older cows are given. The liver is one of the most nutrient rich organs from a cow. This will perk up the body and give healthy color to a pale complexion.
10. Read and research the internet much more than being a zombied TV watcher!~ I love to learn so building this self-discipline is not hard for me.
11. Practice typing for about 10 minutes on Doing such activities are good for eye hand coordination. I learned to type as a Sophomore in High School (25 years ago). I was doing a typing quiz the other day and realized I could “fine tune” my ability after all these years.
12. Read the Novel, Moby Dick for about 15 minutes in the morning.~ This is sort of a New Year’s Resolution of mine. The novel is lengthy but is evenly broken into short chapters. It was written by a Christian man and is a favorite of the theologian RC Sproul.
13. Get 10-15 minutes of sunshine each day.~ I read a book about osteoporosis prevention and it said everybody needs Vitamin D and getting out in the sun is the best way.
14. Rest the brain.~ I try to be aware of times during the day when there is silence. At the point I make an effort to stop and rest a couple of minutes from all the noise and busyness and concentrate on the silence.
15. Take a break from all this “self-discipline” over the weekend . 🙂


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