Jonathan Edwards’ 70 Resolutions

Most are looking for resolutions to better themselves in the coming year.
This morning, I was reading Our Daily Bread and found reference to the 70 Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards. The educated scholarly type of his time in the 1700’s would write out resolutions for the life and regularly refer back (example: Ben Franklin and George Washington).
I was so excited when I found a copy of the resolutions online @ The Jonathan Edwards Center At Yale University. . I must say, I was scepticle at pulling info from such a liberal college. But after checking out the site and reading through the PDF file of the list of 70, I consider it trustworthy enough.

I’m going to take the 70 resolutions, “comb through the details” and then read them to my children, five or so per day. We can also study Franklin and Washington.
I love this part . . . I can pull from the best, to teach and build the character in my four treasured children. We named our second son, specifically, after Jonathan Edwards, thus we will also study other major works of his.
According to the site, Perry Millier described Edwards as, “The first and greatest homegrown American philosopher”. Basically, Edwards was a Puritan preacher who loved nature, finding God in nature, had an excellent mind and scrupulisely wrote down detailed thoughts.
As a child, Edwards was from a big family. He was immersed in studies of the Bible, Christian theology, Classics and ancient languages.


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