The Sunrise of 12.05.07

The sunrise is amazing this morning. There is a giant cloud canopy stretched halfway across the sky. It has a dominant black underlying. On the horizon, the sun is beginning to present itself. Fiery red, then orange, and then yellow reflect and greatly contrast with the dark clouds. A pretty accent of pastel peach amazingly mixes in with these powerful and bright colors. There is a bright white near the sun on the horizon. As they rising progresses, the black is still present but has varying shades of gray. . . magnificent!
What’s more, the backdrop of a clear pale blue sky adds to the early morning beauty and says the day is quickly coming. Soon all the magnificent colors will disappear the stretched out clouds will become a common white.


Grammar Lesson 16~Nouns

A noun is a word that names a person, place or thing. It also one of the eight parts of speech. Examples: man, city, book, courage. Nouns often follow words like a, an, and the.
Pick out all the nouns in these sentences.
1. The teacher told the student that a person should always be loyal.
2. People with perseverance will be successful in life.
3. I bought a new pen at the drugstore across the street.
4. The man said to the policeman that he had not seen the accident.

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Joggin’ Your Noggin Math Problem

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—Danny Carlton, site admin]


Math Word Problems

I know this for a fact, in the business world people who are quick thinkers, problem solvers and critical thinkers have more success.
My children need to strain their brain, a lot! Math does that. Here are some places to find math word problems:
Word Problems For Kids (Scroll down a bit to the part that says Purple Math for the word problems– This one is good because it teachers you how to use algebra to solve the problem. site provides a 15 day list of word problems for elementary grades
Simple Word Problems for third and fourth grade~This is a PDF file from Saxxon Math


The Great I Am

Who is the great I am?
In Exodus of the Old Testament, when God told Moses to go to the king of Egypt and rescue the children of Isreal from their slave bondage. Moses was a bit intimidated and didn’t think he had the capabilities to do such a thing. So he asked God, who should I say is sending me? And God spoke the ultimate words of I Am that I Am (Exodus 3:14) is sending you. (There is not a bigger authority than God Himself.)
When Jesus walked the earth, the Bible tells us that He was God made into a human, but still sinless and holy.
The end of the song, Mary Did You Know? we hear that the newborn Mary cradled was the Great I Am.

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Grammar Lesson Quiz~Verbs

Quiz Lessons 1-15
Answer each question true or false.
1. Verbs never change form.
2. A verb is never just one word.
3. Verb phrases keep a definite order.
4. There are twenty-three helping verbs.
5. Helping verbs cannot be the main verb.
6. Helping verbs can be action verbs.
7. Verb phrases can have three helping verbs.
8, Verbs can be in contracted form.
9. State of being verbs show action.
10. Verbs are the most important words in a sentence.
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