The Art of Self-Discipline~Sermon 1

Here are some notes I took as I listened to the first installment of John MacArthur’s sermon series, The Art of Self-discipline.
How To Be a Self-Disciplined Person
1. Begin with small things. Learn to discipline yourself in the little things in life. Little things of life make for the big things. Your integrity and word can be strengthened beginning with the small details of life.
2. Clean your environment. Get rid of all that stuff. Clean your house, room or garage. Be discontent with a mess. Desire ordliness. Simplify your life. Get rid of excess. Keep environment clean and clear to avoid extra distractions.
3. Make a schedule. Learn to conform to it. Anticipate and establish time frames.
4. Wean yourself away from being entertained. Let entertainment be arbitrary, you can take it or leave it. Be more productive with your time. Watch less TV, instead, read or take a walk.
5. Be on time. Order your little universe and preplan. Very important. Even in small or insignificant things.
6. Keep your word, even in the littlest things. Your word is so important. Make commitments and see them through. It might be in the smallest things. Don’t make promises you do not keep.
7. Always do the hardest tasks first. Most people do the easiest things first. Whatever is most difficult, do first. Most people save the toughest for last. And then, they may be too tired
8. Finish what you start. If you start it finish it.
9. Practicle self-denial. Just say to you self, “Self you can say, ‘No!'” Do not be completely at the whim of your impulse.
10. Volunteer for tasks. Leave some space in your life and in your agenda and take on opportuntity to help out. Subject yourself that really isn’t a part of your own agenda.

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The Art of Self Discipline

This morning after dropping my son off to go to work. I listened to the John MacArthur radio program, Grace To You. I was very excited at what I heard. John MacArthur is obviously a very successful pastor and teacher of the Bible. He is teaching a new series called the Art of Self-discipline. (I desperately need this.) It just began today and can be applied to New Year’s Resolutions! My children need this too. Please listen, I know you enjoy, be encouraged and learn something helpful and new.


Winston Churchill’s Never Give In

. . . Love this quote by Winston Churchill. It was to encourage soldiers during World War II but it can encourage us in reaching our goals . . . This is a quote my children need to memorize.
“Never give in–never, never, never, never,
in nothing great or small,
large or petty,
never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.
Never yield to force;
never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
-Sir Winston Churchill
