Every Man’s Battle

I was listening to the Christian radio broadcast called Family Life Today. It was the second of a two day broadcast in which a man named Ben Stuart was the guest. He is the leader of a huge Bible study that goes on weekly at Texas A & M college. During the interview he told how there is a major problem with mainly men that look at pornography via the internet.
Here’s what I know about pornography.

It imprints in the mind wrong images that shouldn’t be there. Sometimes I get blatant with my sons and say, “the only naked woman you should ever see is your wife when your married.” This is a very difficult and radical view to hold on to in the American society where sex can be as common as a handshake! (In the interview it was said that some college students have this view.)
I wish people would consider sex a sacred deed. A gift that you only give one person. You save that act for when you marry the person you intend to spend the rest of your life with. Sex is sacred because with it you produce the next generation that will be a part of you and then continue on that part of you to the future! It is a sacred deed of family honor. It is not something to joke about, observe others involved in it or use images to distort and pervert your perception of this gift to the married that was invented by a holy and sinless God!
Anyway, back to the subject of pornography. I fear for my sons and the other young men in our family. There truly is a Sodom and Gomorrah on the internet that is immensely wrong and addictive to look at. Here is a book we intend to get for our sons . It is called Preparing Your Son For Every Man’s Battle and for men, Every Man’s Battle. These books are by Christian psychologists from the New Life Live radio program


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