It’s Time To Spiritually Grow!

When I was thirteen years old I became a Christian. That means I have been following the risen Christ for nearly thirty years!
There have been three times that have stood out in my Christian walk in which I seriously gave all I could to Him and seriously focused on studying, learning and following Him.

Those three times were when I first became a Christian and then in my early twenties when I promised God I would seriously obey Him and give up the wrong and distant life I had chosen. The third time was when I had heavy heartbreak over ending a relationship with a fiance.
The time has come once again in my life to seriously seek Christ. To give all my worries to Him. To trust and have faith and not worry about how my situation appears. Just like Mary, Jesus’ friend who sat at His feet and focused on His words, gave all her attention to Him, and then He told her the holy, purest words of truth.
I get to be like Mary . . . I don’t have distractions to pull me away from doing so at this point in my life. For example, I have no babies that demand all my attention because their hungry or need a diaper change. I have no job that uses up my physical and/or mental energy and takes up most of my week. I have a well established appointment with Jesus each morning. Yep! Now is the time . . . to draw nearer to Christ.
I don’t care how established you are as a Christian, you can always grow. You can have the attitude just like a new Christian and have the passion to grow by leaps and bounds!! That’s what my goal is.
Where will that growth lead me, I don’t know. But I know I can have the miraculous peace of God and pray to Him in the mornings. Tell Him my faults and ask Him to change me into a better person. Be faithful to pray for others each day and be thankful for my present life.


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