Start of a New Day

At around 6:30 this morning I prayed to God. But I did it in a new way. I wrapped my quilt around me and got on my knees in front of the open window in our bedroom.

I looked up at the sky that was filling more and more with the brightness of the rising sun and as I looked out over the empty field and the rose bush beneath my window I said my prayers for myself, family members, the war and Carl and Beth our friends who are building an orphanage in Nicaragua. Being around nature makes me feel closer to God. And then talking to God as one of my first acts of the day sets the stage for a more peaceful day.
Then for Bible reading I read from the Heartlight’s website like I’ve been doing since the first of the year in order to go through the entire Bible. Remember I told you God is my defense lawyer. He knows who I am and He knows the thoughts and intentions of all humans on the earth.
I have a new found enemy in my life. (In all my life of 40 years I’ve only had about 4!) My Mom taught me at a very young age to never hate anyone. Okay, God doesn’t want me to do that either. But I sure can hate their deeds and label them as what they are– an enemy. But Jesus also said to pray for your enemies in his Sermon on the Mount. He said this in Matthew 5,
43 Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.
44 But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;
So I will, as a Christian do as Jesus said. I will pray for my new found enemy. In fact, here are the things I will pray. (I have to remember to pray with a forgiving heart.)
That a Great Awakening will come to his life.
That I would not develop a bitter attitude toward him.
That he would change and not abuse the power he has as a boss.
He would not be controlling of situations in order to gain selfish vain outcomes.
That he would lose the strong belief that he must get revenge when he considers that someone has taken advantage of him.
That God would bless him with a wife who is a godly woman and they can spend the rest of their lives together and he would be able to thoroughly trust her faithfulness to him.
That he would realize that God is very powerful does not flaunt His strength.
And that God is even more powerful than he is and more talented and more smart. Besides God made him and allowed him to gain the life experience he has.
I pray my enemy would have a deeply rooted fear of the Almighty Creator!!!!!


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