News From Guadalupe

Bob “the builder” O’Brien worked with me on house #7 during our Habitat For Humanity Building Blocks 2007. I received an email from him just today. He linked us to the local newspaper that had a slide show of the build. Here it is:
AZ Central


A Tale of Two Americans

<em>My husband wrote a blog entry today. He writes for Jack Lewis.Net. We most recently celebrated Memorial Day. The day which solemnly acknowledges that our soldiers died so that we have the freedom to use our talents to be a success. Here’s the true story of two American lives.
A Tale of Two Americans
For reasons that will become clear later, let’s just call him Dr. Kyi (not his real name). He was born in what used to be called Burma, which was renamed by its current military dictatorship to Myanmar. He grew up under the oppressive control of the ruling military junta which answered to no one for their oppression of the people of Burma. The current elected leader, who won by a landslide majority, remains imprisoned while the military dictatorship continues to rule and oppress the Burmese people. The average income there is around $1,800 a year, in spite of the wealth of natural resources. Dr. Kyi eventually was able to escape, and came to America.

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Teaching To Change Lives

I’m working toward becoming a public school teacher. A big reason why I want to do this is to impact the future of my nation with good. I want to help my students to have a passion for knowledge which will help them become successful, interesting and caring adults. Long ago Daniel Webster spoke of the importance of affecting the next generation:
“If we work upon marble, it will perish; if we work upon brass, time will efface it; if we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work upon immortal minds and instill into them just principles, we are then engraving that upon tablets which no time will efface, but will brighten and brighten to all eternity.”
-Daniel Webster
