Peaceful Start of A New Day

I awoke @ 7am today. I should have gotten up earlier. Danny usually wakes “the family” up @ 7:15 or 7:30. To be honest, we’re not going to make it to Sunday School today because my husband is still sleeping and I wanted to finish my daily Bible reading. It had alot of interesting stuff in it. Then I decided to write on this blog too. (I know this is selfish of me I could be getting our kids up at this moment and I understand my husband is just tired.)

The setting is irresistable right now. I look out my bedroom window and a new spring day has just begun. The morning is quiet with the delicate gentle sound of birds chirping. I hear a car pass by every little while. The sun is bright and powerful now, fully risen. I love the long shadows it casts on the ground which is laden with the dew leftover from the previous night. The grass is fully green. About a week ago the brown of winter still halfway covered the ground. But not now, it demands to be mown.
All of this beauty of God’s green earth is enhanced by the presence of peace. I love it when I get the feeling of a quiet peace. I have trained myself to stop and soak it in like a sponge!! Really you have to do this! In our modern world that demands for you to be responsible, take on many duties, do several extra activities with the family and constantly be on the go, everyone needs to stop and recognize peace when you feel its presence. Maybe if everyone did this more the pharmaceutical companies wouldn’t have such a monetary grip on all of our lives!!! Like the old rock n roll song that I heard when I was a little girl goes, “You gotta stop . . . and smell the roses!” So that’s just what I’m doing right now and every time that peaceful feeling comes my way, the peace alarm sounds in my brain and I stop and take a deep breath and soak in the stress free moment for as long as I can. 🙂
Anyway, for about a week the Bible reading has gotten dry. But now today, I found interesting things in the book of Numbers, Job (pronounced Jobe) and Matthew. This blog would get really long if I wrote about all three so I have decided to write just about Job. Good old faithful Job. A man everyone could learn from. My youngest brother Daniel has his middle name because Mom specifically chose that name. She said she wanted him to have the patience of Job.
The passage is interesting and easily read. The book is one of the oldest in the Bible. It even talks of dinosaurs in it! ( But not according to the evolution THEORY.) The books in the Bible are not put in chronological order. The first chapter of Job quickly throws you into the story and then most of the book is about Job contemplating his horrific circumstances, his close acquaintances telling him why it happened and what to do and then finally God replies. And then you’ll just have to read the ending for yourself (but not before you go through the whole book!!!!) I wanted to link you to it.


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